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The individuals or entities listed on this page have engaged in actions that violate acceptable ethical practices, including but not limited to:

  • Unauthorized use or imitation of Ronin™SA's business model, standards, marketing materials, or curriculum, infringing on our copyrights.
  • Misuse of Ronin™SA trademarks within the United Kingdom, European Union, or South Africa.
  • Making false claims of being a Ronin™SA graduate.
  • Falsely representing themselves as a current or former Ronin™SA employee.

Such behaviour is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of our organisation. To protect our reputation and maintain transparency, we have outlined the specifics of these ethical breaches and those responsible below.

The South African Courts take falsification of qualifications seriously and so does Ronin South Africa.

Employers are encouraged to check their human resource databases or client / contractor lists for the presence of these individuals or entities and deal with them accordingly.






Tyler Ashton-JohnsonImpersonating a GraduateSocial Media ProfilePending  Legal Action
Prince DagbegnonImpersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending  Legal Action
TorcussThe copying of Ronin's Joining Instructions, Accreditations as well  as Application Form thus infringing copyrightTorcuss Joining  Instructions  & Application  FormPending  Legal Action
Torcuss /
 Paul Els
 Fraudulent issuing of a Ronin Certificate FPOSPending  Legal Action
Ronin Concepts  Security Elite Trademark Infringement TrademarkPending  Legal Action


Individual (A-->Z)




Tyler Ashton-JohnsonImpersonating a GraduateSocial Media ProfilePending  Legal Action
Prince DagbegnonImpersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending  Legal Action
Agaba Deus Impersonating a Graduate LinkedIn Profile Pending Legal Action
Petrus  FurstenburgImpersonating a Graduate & faking a FPOS Certificate FPOS CertificatePending  Legal Action
Jimmy Gold Impersonating a Graduate Social Media ProfilePending  Legal Action
Thomas  Kennedy Impersonating a Graduate Social Media ProfilePending  Legal Action
 Jay McDonald Impersonating a Graduate Social Media ProfilePending  Legal Action
 Md Momin Impersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending  Legal Action
 Cynthia Mutaramutswa Impersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending Legal Action 
 Sizwe Mzizi Impersonating a Graduate CV and fake CertificatePending legal Action
 Nikilitha Rala Impersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending Legal Action
 Isabella Rositano Impersonating a Graduate Email & DocumentationPending Legal Action
 Lester Sturgeon Impersonating a Graduate LinkedIn ProfilePending Legal Action 
 Josh Wright Impersonating a Graduate Social Media ProfilePending  Legal Action


The information appearing on this wall of shame has been verified by all possible reasonable steps as being both true and in the public interest to know. We therefore welcome any legal challenge pertaining to the defamation of the individuals/entities featured on this page. The above-mentioned entities or persons will remain on this Wall of Shame indefinitely unless we receive a letter of apology and are convinced that they have stopped their unethical conduct - in which case we will delete them after 12 months.

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